Educational side events of visual art exhibition “The Thousand Mysterious of Borobudur”:
- First International Symposium of Borobudur Cultural Landscape Heritage
- High School Teachers Field Heritage Education
- Students Essay Competition
- Fun Students and Journalists Heritage Trail
First International Symposium on Borobudur Cultural Landscape Heritage: “Regional Conservation Planning”, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 20 April 2007
First International Symposium on Borobudur Cultural Landscape Heritage was attended by 90-100 participants from academic background such as students and lecturers from architectural and archaeological background as well as conservation practitioners from BP3 Special Province of Yogyakarta and Central Java, and those coming from several cities in Java. The symposium was divided in two sessions, with co-keynote speakers Mikke Susanto, Curator of Visual Art Exhibition “THE THOUSAND MYSTERIES OF BOROBUDUR” and Himachuli Gurung, Program Specialist from UNESCO Jakarta. Discussions were held in talk shows and questions and answers session among speakers and participants led by facilitators. Generally the whole program attended by the Director of UNESCO office Jakarta Prof. Hubert Gijzen was successfully held.
Heritage Field School for Secondary School Teachers, 28-29 April 2007
Heritage Field School for Secondary School Teachers was held for two days on 28-29 April 2007. The program was an introduction to Borobudur cultural landscape heritage trail aimed for secondary school teachers in Yogyakarta. There were 36 participants involved in this program. During the program all participants spend the night in local homestays in Candirejo Village. The program was commenced by heritage trail to 3 villages around Borobudur continued by lecture in Office of Borobudur Conservation, visit to Borobudur, Mendut and Pawon Temple. In the evening there were lectures on Borobudur cultural landscape and archaeological issues. On the second day all participants must attend a workshop on how to make programs of introduction to heritage based on UNESCO “Heritage in Young Hands” for their respective schools. The program was ended by program presentation by each group. Generally the program was successfully held and very well appreciated by participants.
Students Essay Competition
Student Essay Competition on Borobudur was open for secondary school students. The competition was commenced after the opening of Visual Art Exhibition of The Thousand Mysteries of Borobudur, on 20 April 2007. There are 4 junior high school students and 15 senior high school students participated in this competition. The judgment is focused on student’s expression, messages and opinions on Borobudur during the exhibition. All participants were invited to Fun Heritage Trail held on May 6, 2007. From 19 participants, five best nominees were selected, announced during Fun Heritage Trail at Borobudur Temple.
Heritage Trail for Students and Journalists
Heritage Trail for Students and Journalists was attended by 60 participants, coming from local and national scale media journalists, 17 Borobudur Essay Competition participants. All participants gathered at Jogja Gallery at 7 AM on May 6, 2007 and departed to Borobudur at 8 AM. When they arrived in Borobudur Tourist Information Center and Communication all participants were divided in two groups arranged by the organizing committee and local guides. Guided by local guide, organizing committee from Center for Heritage Conservation and Senthir, the participants rode on horse carriage to visit three villages, Tuk Songo, Tanjungsari and Klipoh villages. After the 3 village trail, all participants headed to Candirejo village to have lunch and take a abreak. After lunch all participants departed to visit Borobudur Temple and the final destination was a visit to remains of ancient lake in Elo river led by Mr. Helmy Murwanto, a geologist from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Yogyakarta.