BFS 2004 focused on implementing techniques of cultural landscape conservation, including enhancing participants’ skills in inventory, documentation, and presentation of the unique villages surrounding Borobudur Temple that have been ignored in the Borobudur Temple conservation and development. Participants were devided into three groups, which each choosing a village to study. The villages were :
- Wringinputih village
- Candirejo village
- Giritengah village
Wringinputih village is located in the northern part of Borobudur Sub-district, about two kilometers from Borobudur Temple to the north-west. Wringinputih is an agrarian society. There is potential for crafts, the food industry, art, agriculture, accommodation, and so on. Potential art such as Topeng Ireng (Dayakan), Kuda Lumping, Ketoprak, Gamelan, Karawitan and Potential agricultural such as papaya, corn and palm sugar made by coconut trees.
Candirejo village is located approximately three kilometers east of Borobudur. Its natural environment, farming and plantation resources are the objects presented as agricultural tourism objects. Candirejo is an agricultural society that depends on farming and plantation. Candirejo Village holds various natural landscapes and potentials, some of them are Tumpang Sari (Intercropping), Progo River, Tempuran, Sendang Kapit Kuburan Spring, Watu Tambak, Banyu Asin Spring, Gunung Mijil, Watu Kendil, Kobra Siswo. In Candirejo village, traditional houses can be found in Kedungombo, Mangundadi, Kaliduren, Pucungan, Butuh and Sangen dusuns. BFS also held in candirejo and partcipants stay in homestay accommodation for seven days.
Giritengah village is located in the south-west of Borobudur Sub – district. The majority of Giritengah villagers are farmers. Agricultural products in Desa Giritengah include rice, chili, cassava, corn, ginger, vegetables etc. Beside agriculture in Giritengah Village has grown honey bee cultivation business. The village of Giritengah holds a very valuable piece of history, the history of Pangeran Diponegoro’s struggle during the war of independence. The village of Giritengah was once a stopover place of Prince Diponegoro during the war against the Dutch colonizers (Diponegoro War, 1925-1930). Giritengah Village was once a stopover place of Prince Diponegoro. Several still well maintained until now and become pilgrimage historical value. Until now the remains of P. Diponegoro still exist, among others: Sendang Suruh, Balai Kambang, Pos Mati.