Dwita Hadi Rahmi is a senior lecturer in Architecture at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. She got her Master of Art in Environmental Studies from Waterloo University, Canada, and Doctoral degree in Environmental Studies from Gadjah Mada University in 2012. Her major research interests are in cultural landscape (saujana), heritage architecture, environmental management, and urban and rural tourism. Her latest research was about cultural landscape sustainability of traditional Balinese villages. From 2017 to 2021, Dwita served as the Vice-Director for Doctoral Study Program in Architecture and Head of Research Group in History, Theory, Conservation in Architecture and Urban Design. Dwita also is one of the Board of Advisers of Jogja Heritage Society, and conducted several projects. One of those was the “Development of Batik Home Industry for Community Welfare Improvement”, funded by the Australia Indonesia Partnership (AIP), in Giriloyo Village in Imogiri Yogyakarta after it was collapsed by the big earthquake in 2006. This project aimed to build community independency, especially women batik workers , by improving batik home industry. She also joined to facilitate International Field School on Borobudur Heritage Saujana, and Imogiri Saujana Batik Heritage. Dwita’s interest in cultural landscape and environment has been implemented into the book written, Ecological City (co-author, published in 2005), Environment and Resources (co-author-published in 2010), and still in the writing process is the Cultural Landscape of Indonesia. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities, especially traveling to rural areas and gardening.