The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) held in Quito, Ecuador, last October 2016, successfully concluded with the adoption of the New Urban Agenda. Acknowleged in this New Urban Agenda that culture and cultural diversity are sources of enrichment for humankind and provide an important contribution to the sustainable development of cities, human settlements and citizens, empowering them to play an active and unique role in development initiatives. The New Urban Agenda recognizes that culture should be taken into account in the promotion and implementation of new sustainable consumption and production patterns that contribute to the responsible use of resources and address the adverse impact of climate change.
Saujana (cultural landscape) is a manifestation of the interaction between human and the natural environment, which is reflected in space and time, and is always evolving (UNESCO, 1994). Saujana is a comprehensive media for implementing sustainable development. Management of saujana heritage does not need to be fabricated or exaggerated. It is simply a natural state and a major force. However, it is precisely to maintain quality that decision-makers need accurate information, that planners and managers are observant, that residents and related parties including artists and crafters have a strong sense of their natural and culture environment, and that visitors appreciates the values.
This paper highlights the recent decades paradigm shift and new perspectives, and the saujana as a creative and innovative living space which are basic considerations in fostering today’s art and future’s culture. The case of Jogja World Batik City will be explored. This paper aims in building the creative and innovative agents of change for saujana heritage where those agents could have strong roles to create and innovate art, culture and heritage in shaping the sustainable cities, promoting livability and equity, enabling social cohesion, balancing environment, as well as developing the local economic. Meanwhile, those movements will effect into suitable public policies and management on art, culture and heritage development.
SDGs, saujana, culture, heritage city, heritage, art, management of change, creative and innovative agents of change, and public policies.
Author : Dr. Ir. Laretna T. Adishakti, M. Arch.